
Fruitisimo reaches 80 stores: Thirsty for further expansion

Fruitisimo, a successful Czech juice bar chain, has recently opened its sixth store in Budapest, bringing it’s total store count across CEE to 80 stores.

The recent Hungarian expansion follows a successful multi-franchise deal with Shell in Czech Republic, which has led the company to pursue further multi-franchise deals with local operators across Europe.

According to Fruitisimo founder and CEO, Jan Hummel, the Hungarian market in particular is ripe for development due to it’s “more mature healthy-lifestyle approach and it’s comparative current lack of healthy juice options in the market“, and he believes the Fruitisimo brand is an opportunity for F&B operators to “significantly enlarge the scale of their business in the market.“ 

With the opening of the sixth Hungarian store, the Fruitisimos concept is proving to follow the same trends as in it’s local market of the Czech Republic, with above average profitability and stable growth. Over the past few years, Fruitisimo has gone from a small local company to a rapidly expanding mid-sized company which plans to enter more European markets in the upcoming months.