
April 1, 2019

Mall of Tripla, the largest shopping centre in Finland and the entire Nordic region, will open on October 17, 2019. The new Pasila station will also be inaugurated at the same time. The opening festivities are expected to attract a large crowd from across the Helsinki metropolitan area.

HMSHost International, global market leader in the food and hospitality industry for people on the move, has signed new contracts with both Shanghai Pudong Airport and Beijing Daxing International Airport. It opens up the way to create 14 new Food & Beverage locations. Under the agreement more than 85% of the new F&B locations will be fully operational before China celebrates their national day on October 1st 2019

Mitiska REIM has recently announced a strategic partnership with Karuzela Holding. Under the terms of the agreement, the two companies will form a joint venture in Poland, and Mitiska REIM’s FRI 2 fund will acquire a 50% holding in two retail parks and two gallerias owned by Karuzela, comprising a total GLA of 35,600 sq m, and both parties will co-develop four additional projects, comprising a total GLA of approximately 60,000 sq m.

Residential buildings and hotels emerge on shopping centers. Areas of supermarkets are being used for this as well, as the retail real estate industry discovers the benefits of urban densification.