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November 21, 2023

Shaping a sustainable future in retail real estate: HyperIn hosts panel on “Artificial Intelligence (AI) – Practical Approaches and Strategies for a Better Productivity in Retail Real Estate” at MAPIC 2023.

NEPI Rockcastle’s net operating income (‘NOI’) rose 23% in the first nine months of 2023 (‘9M 2023’) to 365 million Euro, versus the same period of 2022, continuing the robust pace of growth since the end of the Covid pandemic. The main drivers of the strong performance were a combination of tenant sales performance and the contribution of the acquisitions completed in 2022.

“Despite the significant challenges of recent years, it is clear that retail real estate is a stable and resilient asset class,” says Joanna Fisher. In an interview with ACROSS, the CEO of ECE Marketplaces talks about the opportunities of a once again dynamic market, dealing with industry changes and ESG, and her goals as the new Chairwoman of ECSP.