credit: ESCP/SafeASSET
credit: ESCP/SafeASSET


The European Council of Shopping Places (ECSP), the voice for Europe’s retail property sector, has today announced the launch of its new risk and resilience working group. The group was set up in collaboration with SAFE Asset Group, an international advisory and certification organisation and a partner of ECSP

Driven by the rise of geopolitical instability and economic uncertainty in recent years, the sector faces some specific challenges. The group will draw upon the expertise and experience of those involved to deliver practical guides and advice on risk and resilience for ECSP members and the broader industry.  Operational risks and industry risk assessment will be a key part of its program, with a special focus on integrating robust risk and resilience strategies into corporate ESG standards.

Announcing the new group, Peter Wilhelm, Chairman of ECSP said: “The need for a safe, resilient and sustainable shopping future has never been more important. However, our sector faces a number of acute risks, and we must be prepared.” He added: “We have all been through a challenging few years, and recovery is now our priority at a time when there is even more uncertainty in the news. Our industry was disproportionately impacted by the pandemic, faces a uneven playing field in terms of new and emerging regulation, must address the impact of climate change, and now some of our members are facing the direct consequences of a major European war. The work of this group will be business critical for our sector.”

Erik Engstrand, CEO of SAFE Asset Group said: “Operational risk and resilience management questions will be a natural part to address in the council as its critical aspects of protecting people, property, business and industry reputation. The focus must change from a perspective of security solely, to a view of Risk and Resilience to ensure an agile and quick way to act for the industry with the goal of bringing a clear value to the business.”