
Adam Holewa, Igor Matus and Kryspin Derejczyk join to the Management Board of the CCC Group

Due to the intensive development of the CCC Group, the Management Board decided to appoint three new Vice Presidents. Thanks to the dynamic expansion of the omnichannel model, digitization of all sales channels and the development of the product offer, including the initiated new business formats, the Group consistently implements the goals of the GO.22 strategy.

The transformation to date and very ambitious development plans imply the need to strengthen the Management Board in the field of supply chain management, corporate governance and financial management. These three important business areas will be supervised by Igor Matus, Adam Holewa and Kryspin Derejczyk who have many years of professional experience gained in the world’s largest companies.

– I am very glad that the composition of the Management Board of the CCC Group is expanding with three high-class experts, business leaders. Recent years have been a time of very intensive development of our organization, and this is inextricably linked with the need to constantly strengthen competences among the management staff – said Dariusz Miłek, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the CCC Group – I am convinced that Adam, Igor and Kryspin, thanks to their extensive experience in strategic management and extensive knowledge, will significantly support the CCC Group in its further, dynamic development – he added.

In the coming months, the composition of the Management Board will be gradually expanded, as of July 1, 2021, obtaining the following structure:

• Marcin Czyczerski, President of the Management Board, manages the work of the Management Board and supervises the development of technology, HR and investor relations

• Karol Półtorak, Vice President of the Management Board for Strategy and Development, supervising the development strategy of the CCC Group, e-commerce, CRM, legal matters and marketing

• Mariusz Gnych, Vice President of the Management Board for Corporate Affairs, previously responsible for the logistics and production division, on June 7 this year. will include supervision over central investments, production and broadly understood business restructuring

• Adam Holewa, Vice President of the Management Board for Operations and Ownership Supervision, will take the position on April 1, 2021, taking over supervision of investments, expansion of the CCC Group, projects and subsidiaries

• Igor Matus, Vice President of the Management Board for Supply Chain Management, will take up the position June 7, 2021, responsible for logistics and the supply chain across the Group for all sales channels and formats

• Kryspin Derejczyk, Vice-President of the Management Board for Finance and Accounting, will take up the position on July 1, 2021, supervising controlling, finances, taxes and accounting in the CCC Group and Shared Services Center

– Adam, Kryspin and Igor share our approach to business development – omnichannel, sustainable, modern, putting the customer in the spotlight – added Marcin Czyczerski – In recent years, our Group has probably undergone the most profound transformation among commercial companies operating in this part of Europe. Its effect is the creation of an organization with the aspirations of a digital sales leader, with a very strong e-commerce and a portfolio of strong own brands. The best is yet to come. We used the last year – the year of crisis – by strengthening the organization, team and processes, as well as working on many very important and groundbreaking projects,- Adam, Kryspin and Igor share our approach to business development – omnichannel, sustainable, modern, putting the customer in the spotlight – added Marcin Czyczerski – In recent years, our Group has probably undergone the most profound transformation among commercial companies operating in this part of Europe. Its effect is the creation of an organization with the aspirations of a digital sales leader, with a very strong e-commerce and a portfolio of strong own brands. The best is yet to come. We used the last year – the year of crisis – by strengthening the organization, team and processes, as well as working on many very important and groundbreaking projects,which will see the light of day this year. The vice presidents who join our team are outstanding specialists with many years of experience in managing large, international, innovative companies. Above all, however, they are efficient leaders who build great relationships and efficiently implement ambitious visions. I am sure that they will bring great added value to our organization, ensuring its further intensive development in the chosen strategic directions.

Adam Holewa has over 23 years of professional experience in the field of strategic management, including networks of subsidiaries. Planning, industrialization, automationand digitization are one of the many challenges he addressed while leading teams at General Motors,Volkswagen Group (in branches in Germany and Poland), where in recent years he held the position of Managing Director of SITECH. In the CCC Group, as the Vice-President of the Management Board for Operations and Ownership Supervision, he will be responsible for supervision over investments, the Group’s expansion, projects and subsidiaries.

Igor Matus has over 16 years of experience in the field of organization management and development,which he gained in such companies as Mondelez, Nestle, Cadbury Wedel or Beiersdorf, where in recent years he was the President of the Management Board and CEO.Igor Matus specializes in supply chain management. In his daily work, he uses the lean management methodology, aimed at optimization, and thus – increasing the efficiency of processes. As the Vice President of Supply Chain Management, he will be responsible for overseeing logistics and the supply chain throughout the CCC Group, in terms of all sales channels and formats.

Kryspin Derejczyk joined the CCC Group at the beginning of this year, taking the position of Managing Director responsible for the Controlling and Business Analysis Department. In his 20-year international career, he managed the financial departments of companies such as Tesco Polska, Tesco Group Great Britain and PEPCO Group. He also worked in the City of London for KPMG,where he advised global corporations on the improvement of financial management, improvement of business efficiency and effective implementation of business strategies. At the beginning of July, Kryspin Derejczyk will take the position of Vice-President for Finance and Accounting, responsible for controlling, finance and accounting in the CCC Group and the Shared Services Center.