
Antoine Grolin, Chairman of Ceetrus, announced the creation of Nhood

Antoine Grolin, a family partner and member of Gérance AFM (Association Familiale Mulliez), Chairman of Ceetrus and Chairman-Founder of Nodi, announced the creation in January 2021 of a new company: Nhood, owned by AFM.

This officializes the separation of assets between Foncière Ceetrus and Nodi on the one hand and closer ties between the Ceetrus and Nodi teams and a new company, Nhood, on the other. Their complementary teams will act on behalf of the AFM’s federation of autonomous companies and other partners.

A service organization as close as possible to sites and projects
Etienne Dupuy has been appointed Managing Director of Nhood. He is responsible for coordinating and implementing the management and investment strategy with a triple positive impact. He will rely on local teams in 10 countries that will contribute their expertise in regenerating existing sites. Hervé Croq will be head of Nhood France. The local teams will be responsible for animating, co-creating, transforming and regenerating sites into new living places resilient to climate change and the health crisis.

An identity that asserts its commitment to creating “better places”

The new company is called Nhood, underscored by its signature motto “better places”. The new corporate brand’s name—a contraction of neighborhood—has been coined to sound international: it will be borne by the 10 country subsidiaries. It expresses the desire to create useful, sustainable market value for and with the residents and the planet.

Its mission; to regenerate and transform sites with a triple positive impact

Nhood will firstly assess the sites for the triple Planet, People, Profit dimension based on a rigorous methodology that takes account of the environmental, climate, social and economic impact in its sites’ operation, animation, management and regeneration strategy.

“Together, we’re going to create mixed-used places that revolutionize the city and retail. We design these places to have a triple positive impact on the inspiration of the quarter-hour city. Setting up as a real estate services company is a sizeable advantage. We’re more agile. As entrepreneurs and partners of landowners, we use our know-how horizontally, as close as possible to the grassroots level, with authenticity and responsibility,” says Nhood Chairman Antoine Grolin.

“We act to sustainably, responsibly regenerate each site by improving the residents’ living environment. We start at the grassroots level to design lively, connected neighborhoods for those who live, work and go there. We also create new services; resource management, neighborhood captaincies, etc. The three positive impacts result in a synergy benefitting as many people as possible. We’re convinced that this investment and management strategy is the best in the medium and long term. We’re committed at the grassroots level to listening, being inclusive and consulting,” says Nhood Managing Director Etienne Dupuy.


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