
Bernhard Wünstel takes over the position of Head of Asset Management at Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield Germany

Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield (URW) Germany has transferred responsibility for the Asset Management division to Bernhard Wünstel as of September 1st, 2020.

The division bundles the operational, strategic and administrative services to partners on the investor side. Within the scope of URW’s management mandates, Asset Management represents the interface to the various investors and coordinates the activities of the teams in Leasing, Center Management, Property Management and Development.

Bernhard Wünstel has been with the company since May 2009 and, after several positions in Operating Management, most recently held the position of Head of Operating Management. In Bernhard Wünstel’s team Birte Schefzig will be responsible for Property Management. Property Management represents the administrative part of Asset Management. She has been with the company since July 2007, held most recently the deputy leadership of the department and is now taking over its management.

“Asset Management is of great strategic importance to URW Germany. Therefore we consistently strengthened and further expanded the division in recent years. We are pleased that we were able to fill these two important positions with Bernhard Wünstel and Birte Schefzig, two experts from our own ranks. Bernhard and Birte have repeatedly and very successfully demonstrated their great expertise over the past years and both have extensive experience in dealing with our partners on the investor side,” says Claudia Karschti, Director of Human Resources at Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield Germany.

URW currently operates 23 shopping centers in Germany, 14 of which the company manages for investors, and nine of which URW holds in ownership or co-ownership. The most recent successes in Asset Management over the last twelve months include the acquisition of management mandates in NordWestZentrum in Frankfurt and in the two Breuningerländer in Sindelfingen and Ludwigsburg.