


While the mood in Central and Western Europe’s retail sector is dominated by “gray clouds”, center developers and operators from the SEE and CEE regions are in a completely different situation. In an interview with ACROSS Publisher Reinhard Winiwarter, Rüdiger Dany, CEO of NEPI Rockcastle, explains his 700 million development pipeline, how NEPI is profiting from ESG, and in which regard the West can learn something from the East.

“Shopping centers shape the city’s identity and, at best, pay dividends for the municipality’s image,“ states Uwe Seidel. The Managing Partner at Dr. Lademann & Partners on the role of shopping centers for society and what tools are essential to monitoring these changes within the respective community.

NEPI Rockcastle has raised the equivalent of 143 million Euro equity from its latest scrip dividend, corresponding to approximately 85% of the final dividend payment for the year ended 31 December 2022. As a result, NEPI Rockcastle’s total issued share capital will increase by 4.75% to approximately 636 million ordinary shares and its capital base is strengthened for investment in future growth.

New times and challenges lead to new official guidelines: Redevco has redefined its mission statement in order to lead the transformation of cities to ensure that they are sustainable and liveable, in line with the company’s goal of contributing to the health and well-being of people and the planet. In this joint interview, Marrit Laning, Chief Strategy & Innovation Officer, and Ton van de Grampel, Chief Human Resources Officer, discuss the key objectives and explain why social KPIs need to be added.

The property expert WISAG Facility Service offers specialized solutions and service packages for different market sectors. This also applies to retail real estate. WISAG deals with all the fundamental questions of the retail sector, far beyond the company’s core business. Joaquin Jimenez Zabala, who is responsible for WISAG’s business activities in the retail real estate sector, explains this and more to us.

“It is all about people and opportunities”, states Cristina Santos. The Managing Director of Property Management of Sonae Sierra talked to ACROSS founder Reinhard Winiwarter about the management contract for Prishtina Mall, the company’s principles in property management and the potential of new regions.

“Creating great places is a balancing act between art and science,” states William Kistler, Founder and Managing Partner at urbanOvation. urbanOvation is a platform community created to foster better collaboration among all built environment stakeholders. In this article he argues that easy to measure, quantitative KPI metrics distract from the equally important qualitative ‘art’ that is essential to great placemaking.

Rüdiger Dany, CEO of NEPI Rockcastle, believes that one of the biggest mistakes made in the last 15 years was not being able to seize and take advantage of opportunities during a crisis or difficult situation. He has worked in very different markets, with different stories and problems, but his general takeaway is clear: The investments and development plans of a company should never be stopped unless it is absolutely necessary.

In 2022, Atrium European Real Estate became part of G City. As part of the rebranding process the company will be present in the market under the new name G City Europe. Subsequently, a number of corporate rebranding steps will be taken in various areas.