


Eurocommercial Properties NV (Eurocommercial) has sold Chasse Sud, its hypermarket anchored retail park at Chasse-sur-Rhône in France to TwentyTwo Real Estate, a European real estate investment and management firm.

Union Investment has acquired the Fountains of Boynton shopping center in Florida. The complex, which consists of five buildings, is located in Boynton Beach, a centrally located suburban community in northern Palm Beach County, about 30 kilometers south of West Palm Beach International Airport.

The asset was exited by KS Holding to Titanium Baltic Real Estate. The former shopping center Galerija Azur was acquired by the seller in 2016 and redeveloped over three years, then opened under the new name Ozols.

Just as the Covid-19 pandemic blurred the lines between office and home in 2020, the office of the future will need to combine elements of work, life, and experience in order to be competitive in post-pandemic city center locations, writes Nicole Pötsch, Head of Acquisitions & Sales for North & Central Europe at Allianz Real Estate.

The company has purchased the “6X6” building in downtown San Francisco. Following a transformation, the retail destination will be anchored by IKEA and will be complemented by mixed-use offerings.

Business closures and rent losses in the coronavirus crisis have made banks even more cautious about retail properties and shopping centers. In the case of refinancing, portfolio holders have to calculate with higher interest rates and additional equity.

Ingka Centres’ €7.3 billion investment to transform its business remains on track – with particular emphasis on sustainability and innovation.

Allianz Real Estate Refinances a 300-million-euro Acquisition +++ Investment in Hallplatz-Galerie in Zweibrücken +++ Investika purchased Galerie Butovice