


“Another factor not to be underestimated in terms of quality of stay are the restrooms, whose cleanliness many visitors regard as a litmus test for the general condition of a shopping center – just like they would in a hotel room.”

“Sustainability is no longer optional in retail, with a third of consumers choosing to buy brands based on their social and environmental impact and expecting the sector to act upon their social and sustainability commitments and goals.”

“Surprisingly large parts of Dublin have long been underserved in terms of quality retail; brands lack the modern retail and F&B space to meet future needs, while customer preferences have evolved, and they are now demanding new and exciting concepts and brands.”

“The slogan of our current city administration, headed by the Five Star Movement, a populist party, is ‘decrescita felice’ (‘happy reduction’), which serves as a clear sign that their objective definitely does not include the growth of the city.”

“If we take a look at the commercial density figures, we find that Spain is below the European average – and even more so in relation to countries such as the USA, where the density is six times higher and the shopping center model is very different from the one in Spain.”

“Recent research carried out by Leisure Development Partners, in cooperation with Mapic, has shown that introducing a leisure concept into a retail space increases its footfall by up to 4 percent and the retail spend by up to 16 percent.”

How can the various issues and problems that exist in retail and the real estate industry be solved in this day and age?

“In our view the residential market is complementary to retail real estate, and combining them in a balanced way will only add to the strength of a location. In that sense, mixed-use developments tie in nicely with our retail background.”

“Things are staying the same and changing, all at the same time.”

“We have found that people who feel at home and receive genuine attention from attentive staff are prepared to stay longer and spend more. Attention is our secret ingredient for success.”

Ken Hughes presented the industry meeting in the Catalan capital and captivated the auditorium with his keynote speech about Generation Z.