


In times of unpredictability, marketing spending is usually the first candidate for budget cuts. Marketing management in the commercial real estate sector must be highly focussed on the issues that are fundamental to the business of property owners which directly contributes to increasing their value.

Racing after numbers, reading year-end reports, statistics and percentages: this chase is not but characterized by a kind of tunnel view, which limits the possibilities of growth. If you want to adapt, you need to consider every aspect of your target audience to keep on top of the changes in consumer behavior. Footfall is reflecting your detailed expertise, not producing it. What businesses need is direct connection to their customers: establish a relationship, explore needs and demands, and use the right tools to aid this pursuit.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, the message to the UK has been to shop local and support your community during the incredibly difficult period that we all faced. Even as town and city centers began to open up again, independent retailers have maintained their position in the spotlight of the retail industry, be it bricks and mortar or online.

A thoughtful brand strategy is the essential basis of any marketing effort. The brand, the expectation raised, is what remains after all of the marketing has swept through the room. It is what sticks in your customers’ minds. It is what makes them loyal. It is what makes them think you are worth a visit.

“Seville Fashion Outlet in Spain will enjoy an extension of 2,680 sq m which will create space for 17 major brands to be added to the existing roster of more than 70 stores.”

“In some cases, schemes are trading at the same or even higher sales densities than previous years and, in many cases, better than pre-pandemic, 2019 levels.”

“We are focusing on our customer journey under the theme of the Italian Dolce Vita – to bring out the best of Italy to our international visitors, and the best of the world to Italy, through fashion, hospitality, culinary experiences, art and design.”

“We recognize that the traditional model for urban malls needs to evolve in the face of shifts in consumer habits, e-commerce growth, new technologies, urbanization, declining use of private transportation, and a localization of demand towards accessible services and environmental sustainability.”

“Many people believe that commercial real estate projects should learn from theme parks and build upon the concept by planning events and other activities that make them even more of a destination than before.”

“The retail sector needs to act now to show it is committed to a ‘green recovery’ from the pandemic and to demonstrate to customers, supply chains, investors, and other stakeholders that sustainability plays a core role in its business strategy.”