


According to Regio Data’s most recent report, while brick-and-mortar retailing throughout Europe has been in decline for years, factory outlet centers are developing magnificently. In total, the sales area of the 180 outlet centers is already around 4.6 million sq m, compared with 3.3 million sq m a decade ago. This results in an increased rate of almost 40% – and another 18 projects are in the planning stage.

For companies, being visible is one of the most important prerequisites for success. Making this possible was the reason for SES Spar European Shopping Center, as the operator of numerous shopping malls in Austria, to launch the advertising-free online platform “” in 2020. The aim was and is to make the retail, gastronomy, service and craft businesses from the neighborhood visible to customers throughout Austria.

Exemplifying Fiba CP’s role as both investor and manager, İnegöl Shopping Mall has once again united its patrons with a notable brand. On Thursday, August 24, MediaMarkt, one of Turkey’s leading electronics retail chains, unveiled its new 1,675 sq m store within İnegöl Shopping Mall.

Signa subsidiary SportScheck currently operates 34 stores in Germany. These will be expanded by three top locations, each with 2000 to 3000 sq m of space: Frankfurt’s Zeil, Berlin’s Tauentzienstrasse and Leipzig’s Hainstrasse.

Despite the current unfavorable economic situation in Poland, retail parks are still growing rapidly. Nevertheless, Trei Real Estate Poland has built and opened 35 retail parks under the Vendo Park brand, and has another three scheduled to open later this year. The company may even say that in the face of many market challenges business is going very well.

MEC again increased its rental performance compared to the already strong prior-year period. The contractual partners include Woolworth, Ernstings Family, Takko, C&A, Media Markt, Kaufland, Deichmann, Aldi, Rossmann, Kik and alltours.

The family business Bucherer was founded in 1888 in Switzerland, is in the 3rd generation and is led by Jörg G. Bucherer as Chairman of the Board of Directors. The headquarters are located in Lucerne, the company has more than 2400 employees.