


After a fruitful collaboration that began in 2018 on the Brussels II warehouses in Anderlecht, AG Real Estate and Brussels start-up Skysun have decided to extend their partnership to the Office & Retail activities of the real estate subsidiary of AG Insurance.

The International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC) announced the winners of its 2020 Visual Victories Awards. INGKA Centres received four prizes, including two Gold winners for their MEGA Meeting Places.

The St David’s Partnership has announced the official opening of the new look 9,559 sq ft Hollister Co. store at St David’s, in Cardiff, one of the UK’s premier retail and leisure destinations.

APG has reached an agreement with the UK listed real estate company Hammerson to acquire substantially all of Hammerson’s remaining interest in VIA Outlets (includes Batavia Stad).

Known worldwide for its iconic designs and sustainability leadership, last winter Timberland unveiled its new “purpose-led place” store environment in select cities around the world, including New York, London, Philadelphia and Shanghai. The retail industry has taken notice.

A company from Chariot platform, managed by Griffin Real Estate, a private equity investor operating in the real estate sector, signed an agreement with Auchan Poland to extend the lease of its six retail properties totaling 83,000 sq m. The lease agreement was signed for the period of over 12 years. The transaction is certainly one of the largest retail leases that has been closed in Poland.