


Climate-neutral real estate and long-term value retention: How can high-footfall properties such as shopping centers be operated in a climate-neutral manner in the future? What steps need to be taken in order to achieve that goal, and how much will it cost? ECE has developed a customized Energetic Renovation Roadmap for that particular asset class to help answer such questions.

Kaufland and Ultragreens, formerly Microgreens Romania, are opening the first vertical greenhouse in Romania, with products for sale exclusively in the retailer’s stores. Green Hub Kaufland by Ultragreens is an extensive environmental and smart agriculture project, inspired by new trends in healthy eating and in line with the UN Sustainable Development Agenda.

To secure Operational Excellence, a company needs to invest in the next generation of leaders. Redevco’s management introduced a NextGen Board for young talent within the Redevco organization in Europe to bring together the next management generation and to address the topics of the future.

Despite tough competition in this year’s NCSC Nordic Awards Finale, the winners have now been selected and the candidate taking home the prize for “Best Shopping Center 2022” is Mall of Tripla in Finland. The winners were announced yesterday, October 27th at Sergel Hub in Stockholm.

As Festival Place is due to turn 20 later this year, now seems to be an opportune moment to reflect upon what defines it as a shopping center, a leisure destination, and a community amenity. Neil Churchill, Center Director of Festival Place, one of the UK’s Top 22 shopping centers, shares his view on the importance of community investment.

When it comes to future-oriented topics such as mixed use, formerly separate asset classes with very divergent ways of working are becoming increasingly blurred. As exemplified by the corporate policy of mixed-use specialist Art Invest, defined goals, a new management approach, clearly regulated internal communication, and a great deal of mutual trust are required.

At a time of record high inflation and rising interest rates, consumers are expected to spend less on virtually everything for the foreseeable future. Naturally, companies are focused on operational efficiency and cost cutting. Both investment and innovation are often deferred or postponed.

VIA Outlets has achieved a 5-star rating in the 2022 GRESB (Global ESG Benchmark for Real Assets)—for the third consecutive year. This year’s five-star score is the highest possible score and recognizes VIA Outlets as a true leader in sustainability, placing it amongst the top-rated operators in the global real estate industry.

For the third consecutive year, NEINVER has achieved the highest 5-star rating in the 2022 Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark, the leading global benchmark in assessing the ESG performance of real estate assets. This rating once again places the Spanish multinational commpany in the top 20% of the benchmark globally.

As the results came in from 25 independent Solal judges across Europe, the person co-ordinating the results was Alan Thornton, CEO of AL Marketing in London and Head of the European Solal Marketing Awards team. He shares his view on the winning entries and considers what Rodovre Centrum, the winner of eight awards, does right when it comes to outstanding marketing effort.