credit:intersport voswinkel
credit:intersport voswinkel

Cisalfa takes over Sport Voswinkel from Intersport Germany

The transaction, which includes all 50 Intersport Voswinkel stores and the company headquarters in Dortmund, is to be completed this year. The parties have agreed not to disclose the purchase price.

Cisalfa Sport is the largest sports retailer in Italy, operates over 150 locations and is itself part of the Intersport network in Europe.
Sport Voswinkel, based in Dortmund, was founded in 1904 and operates 50 sports stores in Germany. The company has been a member of Intersport since 1989 and a subsidiary since 2003.

“We will use the proceeds from the sale of Sport Voswinkel for further investments in the future of our network and will thus benefit all affiliated stores,” explained Thomas Storck, CFO and Deputy CEO of Intersport Germany, in a statement. Storck also welcomed the solution that has now been found: “We are very happy that, together with the management, we have successfully brought Sport Voswinkel back on course for growth in recent years and positioned it profitably,” he explained. “We are confident that we have found the right buyer for Sport Voswinkel, who has the necessary expertise and financial resources to grow Sport Voswinkel.”

Glade Michel Wirtz advised Intersport Deutschland eG, the most successful medium-sized group in the sports retail sector, having already sold Intersport Austria to a group of Austrian Intersport retailers in 2021. Now the company has once again been involved in the sale of Sport Voswinkel GmbH & Co. KG to the Italian company Cisalfa Sport S.p.A..