Credit: Kaufland
Credit: Kaufland


In order to offer customers an even more comprehensive shopping experience, Decathlon Germany and Kaufland are joining forces. By the middle of this year, the two companies will already be doing business together at six locations.

“We complement each other perfectly in terms of product range, have similar location requirements, and also fit together very well in terms of the target group. We attract even more customers enthusiastic about sports. At the same time, we benefit from Kaufland’s high visitor frequency,” says Stefan Kaiser, head of the real estate department at Decathlon Germany.

In the Durlach Center in Karlsruhe, Decathlon opened its first store on a Kaufland rental space in October 2022. Kaufland and Decathlon have already established a neighboring relationship in Dreieich and Laatzen. The next location will follow at the end of March in Aachen, where Kaufland and rental partner Decathlon will stand side by side. In the spring, the sporting goods manufacturer and retailer will also become a neighbor in the Ostkreuz-Center in Oststeinbek, occupying a space directly next to Kaufland. For the Gutenberg Center in Mainz, a third lease agreement was concluded for space at a former real location, alongside Karlsruhe and Aachen. Decathlon will open at the center in the summer of 2023, also directly next to Kaufland.

Within less than two years, Kaufland has opened up its branch in a variety of locations in the place of 95 former real stores. A unique integration that could only succeed thanks to the help of many people. This integration has also provided an opportunity for Kaufland to enter into new strategic partnerships, such as with Decathlon.

“Every single location of the real integration means a success story in itself. The Decathlon chapter is of course a very exciting one. Together, we are creating even more appeal for sports shopping while pursuing our concept of one-stop shopping,” says René Wolf, Head of Leasing at Kaufland Germany.