From left to right: Bill Kistler, Executive Vice President and Managing Director - EMEA, ICSC Joanna Kłusek, Partner, Retail Asset Services, Poland, Asset Services EMEA, Cushman & Wakefield, Magdalena Gniazdowska, Associate, Retail Agency, Cushman & Wakefield. Credit: Cushman & Wakefield

Cushman & Wakefield wins awards at 10th PRCH Retail Awards Gala

Global real estate services firm Cushman & Wakefield took the third spot in the 10th competition of PRCH Retail Awards, which recognised companies for their strongest contributions to the retail market development in Poland in the last decade.

In addition, the firm’s property management team for the Złote Tarasy Shopping Centre received an award for their campaign “What will you give this Christmas?”. This year’s Gala of PRCH Retail Awards was held in the Lecture Theatre of the Physics Faculty at the Warsaw University of Technology on 10 October.

Thanks to a complex and very technical assessment by leading industry experts, academics, marketing and media people, PRCH Retail Awards are acknowledged as the market’s most prestigious and credible awards. Every year the competition jury awards the best projects, retailers, promotional and image campaigns for their contributions to the retail industry’s growth. Winners are announced at PRCH Retail Awards Galas.

“First of all, we would like to thank for all the votes. Taking the third spot in the competition which included many developers and investors is truly a great honour for a retail real estate advisory firm. This shows that we are needed and our work is appreciated,” said Joanna Kłusek, Partner, Retail Asset Services, Poland, Asset Services EMEA, Cushman & Wakefield, when accepting the award.

“Those were ten great years on the retail market for which I would like to thank our business partners,” added Magdalena Gniazdowska, Associate, Retail Agency, Cushman & Wakefield.

Jurors of this year’s tenth edition of the competition reviewed a record number of 116 entries across 19 categories. A golden award for the “What will you give this Christmas?” campaign, which ran in Warsaw’s Złote Tarasy from mid-November to the end of December 2018, went to global real estate services firm Cushman & Wakefield.

“It is amazing to have been recognised for a non-commercial project, because “What will you give this Christmas?” at Złote Tarasy was a mission-driven project to direct attention during the pre-Christmas fever to values which are extremely difficult to find in the busy consumer world of today. Time, closeness and empathy were the three key words of our project. The results of the campaign have revealed that every Warsaw inhabitant was exposed to this message on average seven times, and we therefore hope that many managed to find time for themselves and their loved ones or to help those in need. Złote Tarasy is the beating heart of the capital and we are pleased that with this campaign we won the hearts of both Warsaw inhabitants and jurors,” concludes Sylwia Wiszowata-Łazarz, Associate Director, Asset Servicse, Cushman & Wakefield.