Shopping center operator ECE Marketplaces has again achieved a strong leasing result in the first half of 2023: In total, the leasing specialists at ECE Marketplaces concluded around 1,300 leasing contracts for the center portfolio of almost 140 shopping centers managed by the company Europe during this period, achieving a leasing result of around 380,000 sq m. For the centers in Germany alone, ECE Marketplaces concluded 750 leases for a total leasable area of more than 250,000 sq m in the first half of the year.
Thus, the leasing performance could again be increased by more than one third compared to the already strong first half of the previous year. Already in 2022, ECE had concluded a total of 2,350 leases and leased space totaling more than 550,000 sq m in the centers.

“This strong and again increased leasing performance for our centers shows that many retailers see shopping centers in particular as attractive and relevant retail locations,” says Joanna Fisher, CEO of ECE Marketplaces. “In a still challenging market environment, we have been very successful in attracting new tenants for retail space in the centers as well as in prolonging many existing contracts with our tenant partners. Shopping centers thus once again prove to be a very stable and resilient asset class.”
Among the tenant partners with whom ECE Marketplaces has signed leases so far in 2023 – with some of them in larger numbers – are Only, the Inditex Group, H&M, MediaSaturn, New Yorker, Kult, Pepco, Aldi, Rituals, TK Maxx, or Thalia.
“In addition to traditional retailers, we are aiming at increasingly attracting providers from non-retail segments such as entertainment, education or the wellness and medical sectors as tenants, in order to further expand the tenant base and the offering in the centers. We expect to welcome some exciting concepts from these areas in the future,” adds Joanna Fisher.
In addition to the strong leasing results, retail sales in the ECE centers also developed positively in the first half of 2023, with tenants reporting a 15 percent increase in sales compared to the first half of 2022.