
ESG rating: top ranking for Signa Prime Selection AG

In the course of its first ESG rating, SIGNA Prime Selection AG has achieved a first-class rating (“low risk”) by the prestigious Sustainalytics rating agency.

Christoph Stadlhuber, SIGNA Prime’s CEO: “We’re delighted with this excellent result and our ranking as one of the best-rated real estate companies with regard to sustainability. After joining the UN Global Compact, this rating is another important step for us in living up to our function as a role model and actively communicating our numerous activities with regard to this issue to the outside world.”

In its first sustainability rating, SIGNA Prime was ranked 44th out of 942 real estate companies evaluated by Sustainalytics, putting it in the industry’s top 5%. SIGNA Prime’s ESG risk rating is 11.3 on a scale from 0 to 100, with 0 representing a negligible ESG risk.

Sustainalytics is a leading market research, ratings and data company for ESG topics. Sustainalytics’ ESG risk rating assesses sustainability risks and how they are managed by a company. SIGNA Prime’s financial risk due to ESG factors was rated as “low” due to its minimal vulnerability and highly effective management of fundamental issues.

In the “Corporate Governance” and “Business Ethics” areas, SIGNA Prime achieved excellent ratings (“negligible risk”). In the “Product Governance”, “Human Capital” and “ESG Integration-Financials” categories, the company also achieved a very good rating (“low risk”).

Jürgen Fenk, member of SIGNA’s Executive Board and responsible for ESG issues: “Sustainability has been firmly embedded in SIGNA’s corporate values for many years. In 2020, we presented our achievements for the first time, and we’re proud of this excellent rating, which we were able to achieve on our first attempt. The rating has once again underscored our role as a reliable and responsible partner for our stakeholders.”


Aside from this top rating with regard to ESG issues, SIGNA Prime also has other successes to point to: at the end of October of 2020, the A+ corporate rating from Creditreform Rating AG – one of Europe’s leading rating agencies – was confirmed once again, which means that SIGNA Prime has been able to consistently maintain this high rating since 2011.


SIGNA Prime Selection is one of a total of five SIGNA Real Estate companies and owns a portfolio of exclusive real estate properties in prime innercity locations in Austria, Germany, Switzerland and Italy. The vast majority of these extraordinary real estate objects with a total value of 15 billion euros will remain in the hands of SIGNA Prime in the long term. A significant part of SIGNA Prime’s success story is the trusting relationship and close partnership it maintains with its stakeholders. In addition to the shareholders, these include primarily reputable banks and institutional investors that have supported the company for many years.

SIGNA Prime’s portfolio includes the KaDeWe and the UPPER WEST Tower by the Gedächtniskirche in Berlin, the spectacular Elbtower highrise project in Hamburg’s HafenCity, the premium Alsterhaus department store in Hamburg and the Oberpollinger and the Karstadt development project near Munich’s central train station. In Austria, the outstanding portfolio properties include the premium Park Hyatt Vienna hotel and the Goldenes Quartier business district.


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