Credit: Gareth Jones
Credit: Gareth Jones


After the recent happenings in our neighboring country of Ukraine, Liverpool ONE is honored and proud to announce that Liverpool will be hosting the 2023 Eurovision contest on behalf of Ukraine.

Following the exciting news, the Place Strategy Director at Liverpool ONE Donna Howitt has stated: “Congratulations Liverpool. As a UNESCO City of Music, both music and culture are inherent to Liverpool’s DNA and its musical history is legendary. As such, we’re thrilled the city has been given the honour of showcasing this on a global stage.” The date has been decided as the 13th of May, making it a total of eight times that the UK has hosted the ESC.

Although located in the UK, the contest will showcase and celebrate Ukranian tradition, culture and music. Being the homeland of the Beatles, Liverpool is certainly not foreign to the concept of a good celebration in the name of music.