Customers in Mönchengladbach’s Minto can look forward to a special fashion experience in future: In its inhouse collections for women, men and children, Zara combines trend-conscious designs with classic basics for all ages. In the flagship store at Minto, Zara will implement its latest store and design concept and place a special focus on digital and omnichannel services.

Constantin Wiesmann, Director of Leasing Austria & Germany at URW, says: “With the upcoming Zara flagship store, we are sending a powerful signal with regard to the centre’s brand mix and strengthening its role as starting point for fashion, lifestyle and trends in the city and the region around Mönchengladbach. Minto thus gains in attractiveness once again and positions itself further for a successful future. We are looking forward to another chapter in our partnership with Inditex and to the opening of the store in the first quarter of 2023.”