Sello Shopping Centre, Espoo. /// credit: Sello
Sello Shopping Centre, Espoo. /// credit: Sello

Finland’s First Nike Brand Store Opens At Sello Shopping Centre

Sello will see significant changes in late summer and autumn, as Finland’s first Nike brand store and numerous other shops are opening on Sello’s new corridor. The new corridor will also serve the users of the light rail line that will start operating soon.

The new entrance to the shopping center opened to the eastern wall of Sello, on the Alberganpromenadi side, on August 7. The corridor will guarantee smooth access from the light rail stop to the shopping center and further expand Sello’s shop selection. There is an entrance directly to the shopping center from the light rail stop, and HSL estimates that approximately 10,000 passengers will use the Sello stop on weekdays.

The first Nike Live shop opens by the new entrance to the shopping center on August 9. The location next to the light rail stop in Sello is ideal.

“It’s a great pleasure for us to have Finland’s first Nike shop at Shopping Centre Sello. The Nike by Sello shop is designed to provide unique, premium-level customer experiences”, says Riikka Tuomainen, who started as Sello’s shopping center manager in August.

In addition to the Nike shop, the new shops opening on the entrance corridor to Alberganpromenadi include the pharmacy Sanitum Apteekki Sello, which opened on August 7, and the Espoon kahvipaahtimo coffee roastery, which will open around late summer. Sello’s R-Kioski and Jungle Juice Bar will move to the new corridor during the autumn. In addition, the well-being shop Life has moved to the light rail corridor from the temporary facilities at the other end of the first floor.

“We give the shops opening on the corridor a warm welcome to Sello. Nike, Sanitum Apteekki Sello and Espoon kahvipaahtimo are great additions to Sello’s shop selection”, adds Tuomainen.