
French sneaker brand VEJA opens store in Madrid

A luminous work of art catches the eye: a neon piece by Brazilian artist Kleber Matheus made especially for this location.

After opening in Paris, NYC, Bordeaux and Berlin, the sneaker brand VEJA opened a new location, this time in the vibrant, keative neighbourhood of Justicia in Madrid, Spain. At Calle del Barquillo 44, surrounded by cafés, trendy shops, artists and art handlers, the corner shop with the special kind of products made in Brazil is located on around 190 sq m. Social projects, economic justice and ecological materials have been wonderfully combined since 2005 and form the values of VEJA.
Each of the shops opened to date is different and is oriented towards the surroundings of the location but also towards the special features of the respective city. The shop in Madrid, designed in collaboration with the architectural firm Plantea Estudio, not only offers enough space for the products, but also provides them with the perfect stage through the restraint of the materials used: wood, brick and concrete.

The vinatage character was supported with furniture from local antique dealers.

The shop is run by a supplier using renewable energy.