
GCSP: Marie Ernst as new ambassador for the West Region

The Managing Director of Schwitzke & Partner is going to succeed Christoph Stoll and therefore will be the contact person for regional members and stakeholders of the German Council of Shopping Places.

“To take over this important office means an exciting and enriching task to me, and I am really happy to represent the activities of the German Council in the future. One of my priorities will be the exchange with our members and interested parties in order to bring in my expertise in interior design and commercial property in the most constructive way. Let’s bear our retail landscape through this time and into the future together!”, says Marie Ernst.

The German Council of Shopping Places e.V. is the only association in Germany representing the interests of retail property owners. More than 750 member companies from the areas of development and analysis, financing, centre management, architecture, retail properties, retailers and marketing specialists create an active group that’s an ideal network for retail property owners and industry players.

The German Council of Shopping Places diligently advocates and represents the interest of its members, functions as an opinion maker, organizes and informs, creates business contacts and offers various activities and services to all members.