
Groundhog Day……a.k.a.: The Shopping Center Performance Report 2020

“Is he unteachable? Or is Dr. Will actually stuck in a repeating time loop with his tenant survey SCPR 2020, just like the misanthropic weatherman Phil Connors in the popular comedy ‘Groundhog Day’?”

One could almost believe it, if it weren’t for reports like the one from the German Council of Shopping Places as well as other critical voices among renowned experts from the retail and retail real estate industry. They have all been disputing the value of the work of his company Ecostra for years, a ranking entitled “Germany’s best shopping centers” resulting from surveying a few tenants. Relaunching this report now, in the middle of the corona crisis, in collaboration with the „TextilWirtschaft“ and „Immobilienzeitung“ as media and research network partners, clearly surprises the industry even more.

The market research institute bulwiengesa AG has been contracted by Handelsimmobilien Heute to do a survey regarding the usefulness of Ecostra’s efforts to capture the actual situation in the market neutrally. We agree with this approach and would appreciate it if you could quickly participate in the survey:


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