
Metro Properties hands over Markthalle in Aschaffenburg

The new Markthalle will open its doors in autumn 2019 in the immediate inner city of Aschaffenburg, Germany.

Following the successful construction of the market halls in Krefeld and Braunschweig, Metro Properties also took over the planning and project management process in Aschaffenburg. The handover of the building to Real took place on schedule on August 16, 2019. Real will now begin with the tenant expansion and the shops in the prepayment zone will also be expanded and furnished in the coming months.

Inside, the new Aschaffenburg store has the character of a traditional market hall. Outside, the unobtrusive facade in natural colours is complemented by greenery, climbing trellises with plants and gabions. Native trees and shrubs are being used for extensive outdoor planting. Besides the new style of architecture, the store offers an extended range of services. Artisan food outlets provide a gourmet experience in a traditional market hall atmosphere, and the new retail world is a pleasant place to shop, with a focus on fresh produce, quality and variety.

Markthalle Aschaffenburg , Credit: Metro Properties

“The project represents an exciting challenge, with complex processes and ambitious timing. Metro Properties is an experienced partner and has already successfully planned and implemented the market hall concept at other locations. We look forward to future joint projects”, commented Michael Dufhues, Director at Bremer AG.