“Through lighting and stories, we can engage with people and tap into their emotions.”

Thomas Mark, President of MK Illumination, talks in an ACROSS interview about why decoration and especially lighting play a vital part in sparking emotions.
ACROSS: What does festive decoration mean for malls today? And to what extent can festive decoration really generate traffic?
Thomas Mark: Lifestyles are changing and today’s consumer wants a shopping ‘experience’. People go shopping to meet friends, enjoy restaurants, and to entertain the family. The successful shopping center must now offer an interesting, interactive and, above all, inviting atmosphere.
We are naturally drawn to what is visually attractive. Decoration and especially lighting play a vital part in sparking emotions. And it is creativity and originality in these decorative concepts that draw crowds and invites them to take the selfies that encourage their friends to come and share the experience.

Shopping centers now need their festive lighting concepts to become ‘festivals’. Decoration and lighting must be themed, seamless and inviting. Calling in specialists and creating an attractive, interactive concept can transform the festive season into a bonus year for profit.

ACROSS: Where does your focus lie? And what is the significance of good design?
Mark: We are first and foremost a design-oriented company that uses very particular technology to turn designs into experiences. For us, the production of extraordinary lighting concepts is all about the successful combination of design, top-quality materials, and technology. Each element is critical.

Light is an incredibly important design element for us, and it is essential if we want to connect with people’s emotions.

It is fantastic to be able to combine lighting with festive stories because festive occasions like Christmas awaken strong emotions in us all. Through lighting and stories, we can engage with people and tap into their emotions.
Read more about successful case studies from MK Illumination
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