
NEINVER achieves a 5 Star Rating in the 2020 GRESB Benchmark and confirms strong ESG focus

The company’s ESG performance is among the top 20% of the real estate industry.

NEINVER has achieved a GRESB 5 Star Rating in the 2020 Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark, the main global environmental, social and governance (ESG) benchmark for real estate investments across the world. By receiving the highest rating, NEINVER’s ESG performance is positioned among the top 20% of the real estate industry.

In addition, NEINVER has increased its overall score to 90/100, well above the GRESB average of 70/100, achieving high results in each of the three areas: Environmental, Social and Governance. The company has excelled in several aspects, including the certification of its portfolio with sustainability standards, as well as ESG risk assessment and management, and stakeholder engagement.The strong results in the 2020 GRESB Benchmark recognise NEINVER’s steady ESG focus, a key pillar in the company’s strategy and part of its sustainability commitment towards its partners, employees and society.

“Achieving the highest possible rating of five stars out of five is a great acknowledgement of the sustainability work we have been doing in recent years and recognises that our ESG framework meets the highest industry standards. Our focus has always been on maximising long-term value for the company and all our stakeholders while guaranteeing transparency in our operations. Defining a strong ESG culture has proved vital to companies’ resilience, especially when society must face complex situations such as the current COVID-19 crisis,” says Carlos González, NEINVER’s Managing Director.

During the past year, NEINVER has enhanced its ESG framework through the renovation of the BREEAM In-Use certification of its entire portfolio, an increased support of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals and a more comprehensive measurement of its carbon footprint – now including tenants’ consumption for the first time – among other initiatives.

The GRESB Assessments are guided by what investors and the industry consider to be material issues in the sustainability performance of real asset investments and are aligned with international reporting frameworks, goals and emerging regulations.

The 2020 GRESB Benchmark analyses NEINVER’s ESG framework and its joint portfolio with Nuveen Real Estate under the Neptune joint venture, which includes 15 assets with close to €1.5 million GAV.