Over the last 15 years, Advantail has accumulated many specific skills in the development, leasing, marketing and management of diversified retail places:
- Management of Outlet centers, retail parks and, more recently, shopping centers.
- Optimization and synergies between primary and large catchment areas, the capture of tourist flows, and digital marketing,
- and boosted by our Bcorp certification process: The management of responsible assets and the promotion of reasoned consumption…

My vision of the ideal project for the next few years would be the perfect use of all our skills. This would result in the total conversion and repositioning of a regional shopping center to a new “Destination” that perfectly meets the new demand of customers, and its new larger catchment area.
The offer will comprise:
- a regional hypermarket, which allows a weekly frequency
- a “classic” retail offer, with large access to the new DNVB and regional brands with a focus on tourism, creating a totally new offer from local existing competitors,
- an Outlet offer that meets the need for access to major brands with a proven price gain; the catchment potential will be enlarged to 1 or 2h; the customer profile will benefit from the tourists attracted by this offer,
- some key Soft discount players,
- a wide and varied food court offer, with the possibility of B2C and B2B evening events; where people can connect and engage with each other,
- a wide range of leisure and sports activities for children and adults, and potentially a Top regional exclusive attraction.
- Players in the second-hand and reconditioning sectors, to reinforce the sustainability orientation of the project.
What we call today “Hybridization”, is not just a simple re-adaptation of an existing retail offer, (developed and leased years ago and not entirely successful to the market reality), to something different! *
In the world of sailing, this is called a big swing!”