Sarah Lulham
Credit: Redevco
Redevco has appointed Sarah Lulham in the role of Separate Accounts Manager with immediate effect.
Sarah has worked for Redevco as an Asset Manager in the United Kingdom since 2019. In her new role, Sarah will be responsible for growing Redevco’s Separate Accounts platform, offering asset & property management services, including work out strategies, focussed on the Pan European retail sector. Sarah is joining the Business Development team of Redevco that is driving the growth of Redevco’s investor base. Sarah will report to Herman Jan Faber, Co-Head Client & Fund Management and responsible for External Clients and Business Development.

Magdalena Gibney
Multi Poland
Credit: Multi Poland
Multi Poland’s operational director, Magdalena Gibney, has won this year’s Top Woman in Real Estate competition in the Asset & Property Management category.
Magdalena Gibney has been with Multi since 2017 and has worked in the commercial real estate industry for over 20 years. Multi Corporation, one of the largest asset management companies in Europe, manages over 80 properties in 12 countries in Europe and Turkey with a total GLA of 3 million sq. m and a total value of over 8 billion euros. In Poland, the company manages six shopping malls and two office buildings.

Selina Dicker
Credit: Ellandi
Ellandi the specialist retail and town centre asset manager has recruited Selina Dicker to head their debt business.
Selina is a highly experienced banker who most latterly was Head of Debt for the Commercial Real Estate team at Lloyds Banking Group. She has also worked at Europa Capital, where she was Head of Lending responsible for the set up their Mezzanine Debt Fund, and NAMA, where she was responsible for restructuring, loan sales and management of complex NPLs. Prior to these roles she also worked in the CRE Senior Debt origination and structuring teams at Capmark and Rothschild.

Jenni Wenkel
Union Investment Real Estate Austria AG
Credit: Union Investment Real Estate Austria AG
Jenni Wenkel has been appointed to the management board of Union Investment Real Estate Austria AG with effect from 1 September 2021. As Chief Investment Officer, she will be responsible for investment management at the Vienna-based property fund manager.
She replaces Dr. Kurt Rossmüller, who will henceforth be primarily involved in a strategic growth project at Union Investment. The leadership team thus continues to consist of three members. Manfred Stagl oversees risk management, while Petia Zeiringer is in charge of fund management and asset management.

F. Scott Ball
Credit: Citycon
F. Scott Ball continues as the CEO of Citycon until 14 january 2025.
The Board of Directors and the CEO of Citycon Oyj, F. Scott Ball, have agreed that Mr Ball will continue as the CEO of the company until 14.1.2025. Mr Ball´s appointment as the CEO commenced on 1 January 2019 and Ball’s current service contract was due as of 14 November 2021.

Celia Francis
Credit: NREP
NREP appoints Tech Executive Celia Francis to Board of Directors. The appointment reflects the increasing prominence of tech and data on investments and operations.
NREP announces the appointment of tech executive Celia Francis to its Board of Directors. The new appointment reflects NREP’s strategic ambition to change real estate through increased use of data and technology. In the Nordics, NREP was first to pioneer the use of Artificial Intelligence in large-scale real estate design, and earlier this year the Company launched a dedicated venture capital firm which will invest in technologies set to make cities more resilient and sustainable.

Martin Lindqvist
Atrium Ljungberg
Credit: Atrium Ljungberg
Martin Lindqvist, CFO at Atrium Ljungberg, is leaving his job after five years at the company.
Martin Lindqvist has worked as the CFO of Atrium Ljungberg since 2016 and has been part of its executive management. He has decided to leave the company as the role of CFO will be changing.

Simon Harding-Roots
The Crown Estate
Credit: The Crown Estate
The Crown Estate has appointed Simon Harding-Roots as Managing Director for its London portfolio.
Most recently, Simon worked at Grosvenor Britain and Ireland as Board Director helping oversee overall strategy, and as Executive Director leading the Major Projects team delivering major real estate investment and regeneration projects across London worth around £2 billion. He will join The Crown Estate in September.

Antti Pelli
JLL Finland
Credit: JLL Finland
Antti Pelli to strengthen JLL Finland’s capital markets team.
M.Sc. (Tech.) Antti Pelli will start 1. September as a Senior Director in JLL Finland’s Capital Markets team. Antti has over ten years of experience in the real estate industry and has previously worked, e.g., on Genesta and Sponda managing significant office portfolios.

Katherine Croom
Sorbon Estates
Credit: Sorbon Estates
Commercial property owner, asset manager and developer Sorbon Estates has announced Katherine Croom as Managing Director.
Formerly Head of Asset Management at Edinburgh House Estates, Katherine will be responsible for the overarching management of the Sorbon Estates property portfolio and teams, incorporating estates management, investments and projects and growing income.

Robbert Zoet
Credit: Redevco
Redevco has attracted Robbert Zoet to be their new Head of Capital Raising as the company seeks to grow and diversify.
In his new role, Robbert will drive the growth of Redevco’s investor base and play a critical role in setting up partnerships, including joint ventures, club deals, and pooled investment vehicles. Based in London, Robbert will start as of August 16, 2021, in Redevco’s Client & Fund Management team as Managing Director. He will report to Herman Jan Faber, Co-Head Client & Fund Management and responsible for External Clients and Business Development.