
Redevco announces the opening of ‘Le 31’ in Lille, France

Rue de Béthune, in the city centre of Lille, France, is vibrating and coming to life as the town is finally set to reveal ‘Le 31’, the new venue long awaited by the people of Lille. ‘Le 31’ is ready to welcome its first visitors and introduce them to its range of shopping experiences and activities brought by strong, innovative concepts.

The new stores will start opening between mid-March and summer. With the tenants of the office area already using their new workspaces, real estate investment management company Redevco proudly announces the opening of this novel venture in the heart of Lille.

In a society that is undergoing radical change, ‘Le 31’, the latest-generation urban concept covering 25,000 sqm., aims to offer commercial opportunities that respond to the new ways of living and working, whilst breathing new life into Rue de Béthune and the district as a whole.

“Thanks to its design and the variety of actors involved, ‘Le 31’ will enable Rue de Béthune to reinvent itself as a multifunctional urban centre,’ says Thierry Cahierre, Managing Director of Redevco France. ‘We had to totally re-evaluate the city of tomorrow, remodelling the principles of coexistence for all the uses and services in order to respond to people’s new aspirations. We created a community that encompasses a wide but complementary spectrum of activities and services in one single emblematic location. This new ecosystem of working, living, learning, and having fun, will provide its users with activities that are communicative, sustainable, and diverse. The operation is the first of its kind in Lille, raising the city’s profile as a European metropolis. As well as a living space and a shopping experience, we also want to create and bring to life a genuine connected community of stores, partners, and visitors. In this new context, post-COVID-19, the communal nature, and the digital dimension that ‘Le 31’ brings, are totally appropriate.’


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