
Resignation of Kasper Deforche as CEO of Wereldhave Belgium

The Board of Directors of Wereldhave Belgium NV announces that it has been agreed that Mr. Kasper Deforche will step down as CEO and director of the Company on 31 December 2020.

Nevertheless, Kasper Deforche will remain available for the Company in the coming months to ensure a smooth transition. In the meantime, a process has also been initiated to determine his succession. The Company will communicate about this in due time.

“The Board of Directors of Wereldhave Belgium NV is very grateful to Kasper Deforche for his valuable contributions to the Company. It wishes him every success in his further career”. – Dirk Goeminne

“I am proud of the transformation that has taken place into an even more active and integrated manager- investor on the Belgian real estate market. The way in which the resilience of the portfolio and the ‘hands on’ management were demonstrated in this year of crisis is testimony to this. All this while maintaining an extremely solid balance sheet structure and an excellent liquidity position, which offers Wereldhave Belgium every chance in the future to respond to opportunities that will undoubtedly arise in its sector after the current health crisis. In saying goodbye, I would like to specifically emphasise my gratitude to the employees with whom I had the honour and pleasure of writing this joint story”. – Kasper Deforche