
ONLINE SPECIAL “Retail Park Update”

We present our Online Special “Retail Park Update”.

Dear Reader,

It gives us great pleasure to present the latest edition of our popular ONLINE SPECIALS today. This time, we have chosen the exciting topic of retail parks. Retail parks are not only winners of the pandemic and more resilient to inflation. They moved far beyond being “just” a convenient and easily accessible place to do everyday shopping and became essential to experience-driven customer journeys.

As a diverse asset class representing abundant opportunities for all types of tenants, this sector is currently more dynamic than any other. There are developments, expansions, extensions, sales, and purchases going on. The tenant mix across retail parks has changed significantly over the last decade, especially in food & beverage, which became an essential part of the parks.

What the new role of retail parks is and how they might look like in the future becomes clearly visible in our interview with Herman Jan Faber, Co-Head of Client & Fund Management at Redevco, as well as Christian Schröder (COO) and Sebastian Kienert (CFO) of MEC. Joseph Jarvis, Content Marketer at Chainels, explains what the exciting opportunities in the technology sector and evolving consumer preferences mean for retail parks.

The second part of this online special will highlight the SEE-market. The Balkan region is undoubtedly one of the most dynamic in the European Shopping-Center industry and an excellent opportunity for investors. We tried to highlight the region’s strengths, weaknesses, and current developments by talking to market experts and analyzing the region’s latest projects.

I hope you enjoy reading our latest informative issue.

Yours sincerely,

Reinhard Winiwarter

Publisher of ACROSS Magazine

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