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  • In light of customers´ appreciation of the different events organized at the retailer´s first store, each new store will be designed to host specific events, as well as meet-and-greets, ensuring that Gymshark’s community-building efforts are consistent worldwide. Ahead of its second store opening at Westfield Stratford last weekend, founder and CEO Ben Francis shared with Retail Gazette that […]
  • With the relocation, the sporting goods retailer aims to alleviate supply chain problems and dependencies, as Frank Geisler, member of the board at Intersport Germany, told the “Heilbronner Stimme”. “When it comes to relocating production to Europe, so-called nearshoring, we are not only concerned with faster deliveries and responses, but also with greater independence from […]
  • Located near Bremen, the center offers more than 125,000 sq m of retail space and is easily accessible via the A1 and A27 freeways. With around 60 stores, dodenhof Posthausen attracts more than five million visitors a year and offers 5,000 free parking spaces. The impressive variety with over 4,000 brands makes the family-run shopping […]
  • Le big TamTam” occupies a space in the basement of the Hanseviertel, which was operated by Mövenpick until 2007. After that, this area was closed down, with unclear prospects. It was only reopened in 2019 when Tellerrand Consulting developed a new concept, and was also able to convince the owners CBRE Investment Management of its […]
  • Along with the 27 stores, all their employees are also to be integrated into the Dosenbach-Ochsner Group. Out of the total 49 SportX stores, negotiations are currently underway with various interested parties for the remaining 22, Migros announced earlier this week. The takeover of the stores in question, which is currently still being reviewed by […]
  • Individual days with high outside temperatures cause a short-term drop in footfall in shopping centers. However, if a heatwave lasts longer than three to four days, footfall in the malls increases significantly. Particularly popular in hot weather: shopping malls “The most popular places on particularly hot days are probably old buildings and modern shopping centers. […]
  • Preparatory construction work has been setting a good pace in recent weeks, with heavy machinery and twenty daily workers engaged in excavation activities. A subterranean sealing wall will secure the construction pit, and a pyrotechnic survey has thankfully not found any unwanted legacies from the World War II. The project will provide 65 residences on […]
  • ACROSS: FROM YOUR PERSONAL POINT OF VIEW: WHAT ARE THE BIGGEST CHANGES YOU HAVE SEEN IN YOUR FOUR DECADES WORKING IN RETAIL AND FOR C&A? NORBERT W. SCHEELE: One catchphrase springs to mind: the rise of the retail park. When I arrived in Austria in 1990, not only was the C&A expansion in full swing, […]
  • The inhabitants of the 25 European countries considered by the study have a total of almost 3.4 trillion euros at their disposal to spend on retail, which corresponds to an average retail purchasing power of 6,517 euros per capita. This puts frontrunner Luxembourg, where people have 12,067 euros for retail expenditures, more than 85% above […]
  • Marketed as a BtoB SaaS model, the French startup´s solution aims to reduce product returns and increase online conversion rates. The company´s mission is to allow any user to be itself in the Boutique online and the Metaverse using its appearance. The virtual twin algorithm combines the best image processing and deep learning technologies (capture, iris […]