credit: Scotch & Soda
credit: Scotch & Soda

Scotch & Soda Plans To Hold On To Its German Market Presence

Following the start of the brand´s insolvency proceedings in Germany earlier this week, according to a recent interview between Bluestar CEO Joseph Gabbay and the German “Textilwirtschaft”, the US investment company, which owns the Scotch & Soda brand rights, is planning to hold on to the market.

The investment company wants to focus on relaunching the brand in key European markets. To this end, Bluestar is now looking for new partners to take on the markets.

This comes at a time when most of the retailer´s 40 German locations are already closed. Similarly to the previous cases in Austria and Belgium, Bluestar is aiming to find yet another franchise partner for Germany. Moreover, a new reopening deadline has also been set by the company for within less than months.

S&S Europe B.V., the European retail subsidiary of Scotch & Soda, filed for insolvency at the beginning of June due to “logistical problems after the restart in 2023”. The insolvency affected Scotch & Soda’s retail activities in five countries, Germany, Belgium, Austria, the Netherlands and Luxembourg.