
Search Results for: european retail real estate magazine – Page 7

In historical comparison, 2024 may be another relatively quiet year for transactions, says Steffen Hofmann, Managing Partner at ambas. However, the prospect of more moderate interest rates means that a number of players are taking a much more positive view of the future. It will also be a year of clarity: Motivated sellers will place highly interesting properties on the market and apply a deal-oriented negotiation approach. For investors, the entry price is not the only thing that matters – the ability to invest in sustainable properties does as well.

How can shopping places become “future ready” by responding to the rapidly changing retail landscape and the future behaviors and expectations of their audiences? An analysis by Ibrahim Ibrahim, Managing Director of Portland Design.

In historical comparison, 2024 may be another relatively quiet year for transactions, says Steffen Hofmann, Managing Partner at ambas. However, the prospect of more moderate interest rates means that a number of players are taking a much more positive view of the future. It will also be a year of clarity: Motivated sellers will place highly interesting properties on the market and apply a deal-oriented negotiation approach. For investors, the entry price is not the only thing that matters – the ability to invest in sustainable properties does as well.

How can shopping places become “future ready” by responding to the rapidly changing retail landscape and the future behaviors and expectations of their audiences? An analysis by Ibrahim Ibrahim, Managing Director of Portland Design.

The outlet channel performs well – whatever the economic environment. Otto Ambagtsheer, CEO of VIA Outlets, is convinced that the industry’s success story will continue. Therefore, VIA Outlets will not only focus on organic growth, but on further acquisitions as well, keeping an eye on the development from the ground up. He is also convinced that omnichannel is the right way forward for the outlet industry in the long term.

“Multi Germany feels small and agile, but it enjoys all the advantages of a large group,” says Jörg-Michael Zimmermann. In Zimmermann, Multi has hired a new Head of Germany who, as a result of his mix of experience can take a 360-degree view of retail real estate. His motto is: “There are neither good nor bad locations. Every asset has specific challenges for which individual solutions need to be found.”

Susan Hagerty Bonsak is the new CEO of Placewise and, in this role, one of the recent members of the ACROSS Advisory Board. She strongly believes in footfall and the future of physical malls. In her first interview with ACROSS, she shares her view on the European shopping center industry, the importance of data connected with technology, and why a collaborative focus of all stakeholders is so important.

The biggest challenge facing the F&B industry is the cost of doing business. While the coronavirus has run its course through the markets, operators are struggling to return to profitability in the face of current economic challenges. Ian Hanlon, Director of Coverpoint, explains how the current challenges can be addressed and highlights trends in the shopping center food scene using best practice examples from the industry.

WECONSULT is an Istanbul-based consultancy company for the commercial real estate and retail industry, an excellent market expert, and a partner of the ACROSS Study Tour. Ortaç Özortaç, Partner at WECONSULT, explains the Turkish market’s potential and why and how Turkish brands are becoming increasingly popular.

The biggest challenge facing the F&B industry is the cost of doing business. While the coronavirus has run its course through the markets, operators are struggling to return to profitability in the face of current economic challenges. Ian Hanlon, Director of Coverpoint, explains how the current challenges can be addressed and highlights trends in the shopping center food scene using best practice examples from the industry.

In this in-depth management interview, Yurdaer Kahraman, CEO and Board Member of FİBA Commercial Properties, not only spoke about the current global developments taking place at his company, but also about the opportunities in the Turkish market, why Turkish brands are expanding so successfully in Europe, the Middle East, as well as in the MENA region, and about his recent experiences in China. His advice: Now, more than ever, it is time to look towards Asia.

Repurposing existing properties is a value-adding approach, benefiting both the capital market and users. Union Investment is changing direction for the better by considering the value chain holistically. Managing Director Henrike Waldburg explains the corporate positioning and why it is worth investing in transformation from a financial and social perspective.

“The real value of a mixed-use property is when the stakeholders benefit from each other,” says Erwin Buckers. The CEO of Chainels spoke to ACROSS about the company’s plans and why the mixed-use trend will not only make the idea of community more important, but will also be a catalyst for Proptech solutions.

Learn about the potential! Country Profiles for Albania, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Kosovo and North Macedonia.