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AG Real Estate has confirmed the diversification of its commercial offer in the heart of the shopping centres it owns and manages. Several new leisure projects, with nearly 10,000m2 floorspace in all, will be added to the retail offer already present in the malls of its portfolio, thus offering a mix that meets the new customers’ needs.

Bigger leaps are being taken to lift us out of this pandemic. We still have a long way to go, the path ahead will be rocky, and the load we must carry is heavy. However, not everyone should expect the party to begin once we make our way out of the darkness. The beat of the drum and the rhythm of the song have changed.

The Urban Land Institute (ULI) has announced the appointment of Emanuela Recchi, president of Recchi Engineering, as chair of ULI Italy. She succeeds Davide Albertini Petroni, managing director, Risanamento S.p.A, and will officially begin her voluntary two-year term on 1 July 2021.

GTC has appointed Seweryna Afanasjew as Head of Asset Management in Poland. Her outstanding in-depth sector knowledge coupled with extensive experience in commercial asset management and leasing for investment funds will strengthen GTC’s market position. With Seweryna on board, the company expects the successful growth of its sustainable real estate portfolio in line with the developer’s best ESG practices.

All of our seven senses want to be used and ultimately are the key to real emotional experiences that bond us to very special moments and products. Physical real estate needs to confirm the field of tension of identity–human interaction–and products/brands by supporting individuality.

Probably almost everyone in Europe would like to see a return to normality, to where we have achieved herd immunity, infection numbers are controlled, and coronavirus-related restrictions are lifted. Whenever we reach that normality, it will still be a new kind of normal. The coronavirus pandemic will permanently change the way we work, live, and consume – and retailers will also have to find their way in the new world after the acute shock of 2020 and 2021.

In a critical period for HoReCa, office or mixed-use projects, recent investments are adding new flavors and attractive or innovative functions to revive the pulse in key submarkets of Bucharest. Can dining or working with sky views make flexible working or meetings more appealing?

The 25-million project “Linzerie” was recently opened in Linz’s city center after two years of reconstruction, commissioned by Sparkasse OÖ and in cooperation with Plötzl Plötzl Arch+Ing, Nopp Innenarchitektur GmbH, and the Berlin-based dan pearlman Group and their creative agency “spring”.

The Covid-19 pandemic brought massive changes to the entire retail real estate and placemaking industry. A lot of negative developments, but also a number of opportunities and possibilities for the future. We asked the following industry experts to share their opinion on the matter.

Retail has changed. Do you really understand how things currently work or how they will work in the future? Are you still waiting for everything to go back to “the way it used to be”?

For weeks, everyone was waiting in the wings, but on June 1, the time had come: After the Hamburg Senate decided to allow fitness studios to reopen, the starting signal was also given at Quarree. The young company Xtrafit from Cologne opened its first studio in the Hanseatic city.

With “Baba Baji,” restaurateur Zalahuddin Nezam is showing courage in these challenging times. The concept reinterprets traditional dishes and brings healthy taste experiences to the fresh food area of Hamburg’s Quarree from July 2021.

The real estate business is not a sport but there are many similarities. Fair play, progress through training, new methodologies, competition, success (and failure), injuries and recovery, awards, fame etc.