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Search Results for: retail property – Page 42

Commerz Real is putting out feelers for new shopping centers. In an interview with ACROSS, Katharina von Schacky, Global Head of Real Estate Markets Shopping, reports that purchase prices are somewhat unrealistic.

Grosvenor Europe knows that, with the rise of e-commerce, it is essential to provide a full shopping, leisure, and dining experience to meet guests’ needs. They are thus implementing appropriate measures – for example in Sweden.

Most people who have worked in the hospitality industry understand the “full service” circle. This describes how we have to work hard for our guests to provide them with exactly what they want, whether in a restaurant, bar, or hotel, by working as a team.

Multi Netherlands has started work on the major city-center project, Bracknell’s regenerated town center has recently opened for business, Atrium Poland Real Estate Management is extending another of its Warsaw facilities, Pro Kapital Grupp is continuing its work on bringing the T1 Mall in Tallinn to fruition, The Dorotheen Quartier (DOQU) in Stuttgart, Germany opened its doors on May 30, Delta Real Estate has finalized its acquisition of a shopping mall in Varna, Bulgaria, City Center Amstetten (CCA) in Lower Austria recently celebrated its opening, and GTC’s Galeria Północna in Białołęka in Warsaw officially opened on September 14.

“Berlin is poor, but sexy.” That’s how Klaus Wowereit, then-mayor of Berlin, characterized the German federal capital in 2003. This mainly referred to the city’s massive debt, which then amounted to around €50 billion.

An accessible centre where the whole family can shop and spend time – this is the new Kaufpark Eiche. Around one and a half years after extensive construction work began, the shopping centre in Ahrensfelde near Berlin was ceremonially reopened on September 28, 2017.

The retail trade is in a state of massive upheaval. The creative destruction unleashed by online commerce has brought in the next stage of evolution. What does this mean for commercial real estate?

TREC Real Estate Consulting GmbH was founded in 2014 in Düsseldorf. The company focuses on investment management and commercial property-management for retail properties. What the four shareholders have in common is their professional position, their wealth of expertise as well as their joy in doing their job.

Marcus Wild, CEO of Austria’s SES Spar European Shopping Centers, tells ACROSS about the company’s 10-year anniversary and why malls have long needed to be more than mere shopping destinations.

Germany, Erlangen Arcaden | Bosnia Herzegovina, Delta Planet | Italy, ESP | Poland, Galeria Emka | Sweden, Kulan | Finland, Niity | Germany, Rhein-Galerie Ludwigshafen | United Kingdom, Rushden Lakes

Ukraine is the one of the biggest markets in Europe with 42.5 million consumers. After a steep fall in 2014/2015, the country’s economy has started a gradual recovery.

Many criteria must be fulfilled for a shopping center to function nowadays. The experts on ACROSS’s Advisory Board responded to a survey about criteria for success and named their favorite malls.

Lotte World Tower, Seoul, South Korea; Mall of Qatar, Qatar; Nicollet Mall, Minneapolis, MN, USA; BHV Marais, United Arab Emirates.

Transformation from being the owner of standing assets to pure developer, considerable acceleration of development and leasing activity, high growth in apartment sales and focus on delivering return to the shareholders – these are Echo Investment’s 2016 highlights.

ICSC awarded four winners in categories celebrating the best in Europe’s new developments, established centres, and refurbishments/expansions. Redevco, Unibail-Rodamco, Socri Reim, and SES Spar European Shopping Centres win big at ICSC European Shopping Centre Awards 2017.