Credit: Delta Planet investment

Shopping mall Delta Planet opened in Niš

The first Delta Planet shopping mall in Serbia extends for 40.000 square meters, has two floors and 850 parking spots for visitors and was built in only 14 months. Visitors will have shops of leading fashion brands, many restaurants and cafés, bookshops, home décor shops and a special attraction in the form of the most modern cinema with 5 auditoriums at their disposal.

Delta Planet investment is worth 70 million euros and is a part of Delta Holding’s big investment plan, which includes building the business headquarters Delta House (opening this summer), renovating Sava Center (starting in autumn 2021) and other big real estate projects. 

 “We are opening a shopping mall which has regional significance for both citizens and the economy of Niš and its surrounding. The capacity of Delta Planet is such that it will attract guests from both south and east of Serbia, and from the bordering Bulgaria, too. By opening 1.100 work places, it is one of Delta’s projects which influences the wider society and has a positive effect on the development and appearance of cities we operate in”, says Angelina Nekić, Managing director of Delta Real Estate Group.

As a sign of gratitude for a warm welcome from the citizens of Niš, Delta Planet is finishing the landscaping of the park behind the building and part of the quay by Nišava. A children’s playground and 90 new trees will be on this location. 
140 new evergreen and deciduous trees and 6.000 decorative shrubs have been planted at the location of the shopping mall.   

Shopping mall Delta Planet Niš will work respecting all protective measures against the virus SARS-COV2, which were prescribed by the Government of Serbia, Crisis staff and local authorities. We want our shopping mall to become the No.1 place for the citizens of Niš and all the visitors of our city, but more than that we want to preserve the health of our visitors and shopping mall staff.