
Special Issue “Let’s Meet Again”

This online special will be available as a free download until May 5.

Dear Reader,

I am pleased to present to you our latest ACROSS Online Special.

Over the last two years, we all have attended countless meetings by video, logging into webinars, conferences, and calls. We learned to communicate digitally and to do our business in challenging times. Even though the virtual experience is a very helpful tool, it does not feel very real.

MIPIM, the first major industry event took place this year. With 20,000 participants, the fair did not reach the same size as in the pre-Corona times, but it still managed to make a comeback. Above all, MIPIM gave me the feeling of what we can all still experience together in 2022, in terms of professional encounters and meetings. So, I’m looking forward to the many physical events that the placemaking industry has to offer this year.

Therefore, this Online Special will be about upcoming industry events. Some had to pause for two years and are now taking place again for the first time. Many events will take place under changed framework conditions, but by now we should be used to change; even more: change will probably be an important topic in every listed event.

In the second part of this Online Special, mixed-use as an all-time trending topic is the main theme.

I hope you enjoy reading our informative online update.

Yours sincerely,

Reinhard Winiwarter

Publisher of ACROSS Magazine

This Online Special is available as a Free Download until May 5.

Top-quality industry information is very important, especially in challenging times. Therefore, ACROSS will further expand its reporting, particularly in the online sector. You will find our publication dates for 2022 here. Benefit from our strong presence to further improve the positioning of your company.