
shopping center

The European shopping center market overvalues design and investment but needs to pay more attention to atmosphere, interaction, and service, says Will Odwarka. This hurts the centers and especially their gastronomy section. The founder and CEO of Dubai-based Heartatwork Hospitality Consulting explains in his conversation with ACROSS editor Reinhard Winiwarter why excellent, personable service is the prerequisite for everything in the field of gastronomy.

For companies, being visible is one of the most important prerequisites for success. Making this possible was the reason for SES Spar European Shopping Center, as the operator of numerous shopping malls in Austria, to launch the advertising-free online platform “” in 2020. The aim was and is to make the retail, gastronomy, service and craft businesses from the neighborhood visible to customers throughout Austria.

Exemplifying Fiba CP’s role as both investor and manager, İnegöl Shopping Mall has once again united its patrons with a notable brand. On Thursday, August 24, MediaMarkt, one of Turkey’s leading electronics retail chains, unveiled its new 1,675 sq m store within İnegöl Shopping Mall.

While the mood in Central and Western Europe’s retail sector is dominated by “gray clouds”, center developers and operators from the SEE and CEE regions are in a completely different situation. In an interview with ACROSS Publisher Reinhard Winiwarter, Rüdiger Dany, CEO of NEPI Rockcastle, explains his 700 million development pipeline, how NEPI is profiting from ESG, and in which regard the West can learn something from the East.

Leder & Schuh AG consists of the HUMANIC and Shoe4You sales channels and is active in eight other European countries (Germany, Bulgaria, Croatia, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Hungary) in addition to Austria.

waterdrop is one of the best-known microdrinks, with stores openings all over the world. Now the wish of the founders has come true, which they already had in the founding year 2017: their own store in the Europark in Salzburg.