
Tchibo announces pilot with second-hand platform Sellpy

Tchibo already uses environmentally friendly materials and sustainable manufacturing processes in its supply chains. The pilot with Sellpy is a further step in testing innovative approaches to make consumption and the textile industry sustainable in order to conserve resources.

At the online Tchibo pop-up store on Sellpy, worn fashion items in good to like-new condition for women, babies and children can be discovered since mid-July 2023. Tchibo is the first mainstream brand to open a store on Sellpy to sell used, high-quality clothing. Furthermore, you can find new products that were offered for rent in the Tchibo Share range but never ordered. Tchibo Share was the sustainable consumption option tested between 2018 and 2021. For all those who were actively involved, it was a great experience- but unfortunately too few could be convinced to join in.

Now the trial starts with Sellpy, a subsidiary of the Swedish textile giant H&M, and is another contribution to the circular economy to act as sustainably as possible by giving products another life. Unused clothing should not gather dust in the closet and be disposed of, but get a second chance.

The second-hand platform Sellpy offers private individuals the opportunity to sell fashion in good condition and to purchase second-hand fashion. Brands also have the opportunity to sell a limited number of sample items, returns or other used goods in good to like-new condition.