Libre London´s pop-up store at The Yards. /// credit: AVER
Libre London´s pop-up store at The Yards. /// credit: AVER


Longmartin Properties Ltd has announced that Libre London, the online retailer specialising in women’s fashion and vegan beauty, has opened its debut pop-up at The Yards, Covent Garden, highlighting the destination’s appeal in securing a first-time brand for bricks-and-mortar space.

Libre London has opened a 186 sq m pop-up at 138 Long Acre, next to specialist bakery Buns from Home. The pop-up features an array of women’s clothing, jewellery, bags, and accessories, as well as vegan makeup and skincare. Selecting The Yards to open its first bricks-and-mortar space following significant success in the online sphere, Libre London joins existing retailers at the destination such as & Other Stories, Lululemon, and The White Company. The pop-up will run until the end of June.

Libre London launched its first online store in 2021, appealing to the most eagle-eyed fashion enthusiasts and fashion-conscious customers. Adopting a fashion-forward approach, Libre London boasts a curated mix of products, ranging from big-label brands such as Fiorelli, Valentino, and Baims, to smaller independents such as Acala, Sintra Naturals, and Penti.

“We have achieved so much since launching Libre London two years ago and we are now ready to take that next step and trial our first physical space. The Yards is a prominent location in an established area of the capital, and with our forward-thinking approach to fashion and the close-knit community we have been able to build with our consumers, this space matches our vision perfectly. We are delighted to be part of The Yards for the next couple of months and welcome our customers in person for the first time”, comments Beril Zehra Usta, CEO of Libre London.