F.l.t.r.: Angelus Bernreuther (Kaufland), Stefan Rutter (Rutter Immobiliengruppe), Günther Helm (CEO Müller), Henrike Waldburg (Union Investment), Hannes Lindner (Standort+Markt), and Reinhard Winiwarter (ACROSS).

Top-class round table discussion on “Quo Vadis Retail Park”

Organized by ACROSS Magazine and Union Investment.

Great day in Hamburg yesterday with a top-class round table discussion on “Quo Vadis Retail Park”. Reinhard Winiwarter gladly hosted this event with its competent group of experts. Thanks to Günther Helm (CEO Müller), Angelus Bernreuther (Kaufland), Hannes Lindner (Standort+Markt), Stefan Rutter (Rutter Immobiliengruppe), and Henrike Waldburg (Union Investment). A detailed report on this top event will follow shortly.