
Vastned: Reinier Walta nominated as new CEO

Vastned will optimise its portfolio and concentrate on mixed-use properties in historic city centres where shopping, working, living and leisure meet.

The focus will be on retail properties that attract different types of tenants and where there is potential to create apartments or offices above the shops. Where possible, Vastned aims to create clusters of properties in the various cities. That is the essence of the strategy update presented by Vastned’s new nomination for CEO, Reinier Walta.

The Supervisory Board has decided to nominate Reinier Walta, interim CEO since 1 December 2020, as the new CEO at the Annual General Meeting of shareholders on 15 April 2021.

Vastned expects a strong preference for city centre retail properties in a select number of locations, due to market developments such as online shopping and changing consumer behaviour, coupled with the ongoing trend of urbanisation. In addition, there is a growing demand for housing and offices above the shops, combined with a decreasing popularity of multi-floor shops. By optimising and concentrating its city centre portfolio, Vastned is responding to this.