ACROSS: Please paint us a quick company portrait of Cross Jeans!
TANJA NEDWIG: Cross Jeans celebrates “20 years in Germany” this year. The foundation stone was laid in 1995 when the company was founded in Berlin. Cross Jeans is well positioned in the German and European markets due to the principles of our corporate philosophy, a high level of quality, and a fitting pricing policy. The standards that characterize us include a strict “Never out of stock” program, “Fashion in time” collections with a feeling for trends and details, an effective distribution system, and – of great importance for us – a partnership with our customers. Of course, producing in Europe is an important mark of quality as well.
ACROSS: How are your sales structured?
NEDWIG: We interact with our customers on almost all levels, from retail, to e-accounts and e-commerce. In Germany alone, we are represented at more than 1000 points of sale and in Europe at more than 2,000 retail outlets. We are currently focusing on filtering out and strengthening differences and placing even stronger emphasis on formative fashion trends to meet customers’ increasingly important demand for new and quality materials. Looks that are both convenient and fashionable are important requirements.
ACROSS: What developments do you currently see in the denim market?
NEDWIG: There is oversupply. This makes the market interesting at the same time, however, precisely because of the differences and new developments that can and must be worked on.

ACROSS: Cross Jeans opened its flagship store in Berlin in 2007. In what other cities and countries do you have your own stores?
NEDWIG: We have our own Cross Jeans stores in Berlin, Vienna, and Poland.
ACROSS: What are your expansion plans?
NEDWIG: Nationally, we plan to open more stores in Germany. Our expansion plans target northern European countries like the United Kingdom and the Scandinavian countries. In global terms, we’re focusing on Asia.
ACROSS: What role do malls play as a location in your shop and expansion strategies?
NEDWIG: Shopping centers, with their experience-creating worlds and variety of possible themes play an increasingly important role in consumer behavior. It’s not just about shopping, but quality experiences and possibilities for bundles of inspiration and offers. Shopping centers accordingly play a role in our expansion strategy.
ACROSS: What is required from a shopping center in order for it to be interesting to Cross Jeans?
NEDWIG: Lifestyle, location, and thematic focuses on fashion are good conditions, which, if not present, can of course also be exclusion criteria.
ACROSS: You are also active in outlet centers. How important are outlet centers as locations for Cross Jeans?
NEDWIG: We are very well represented in the retail sector in the Polish market; but also in some outlet centers, which are to some extent a segment of the local market that should not to be underestimated.

ACROSS: How are your collections oriented?
NEDWIG: Our collections revolve around modern lifestyle trends and developments. Our designer team is inspired by international trends and zeitgeist. This results in our Cross Jeans Collections, which stand for our image and sell well.
ACROSS: What is Cross Jeans’ multi-channel strategy?
NEDWIG: Our practice base includes the major components of multi-channel retailing, from stationary offers, to online stores, catalogs, and social media channels. With great vision, we are working strategically where these channels meet, creating bridges between them. We will therefore link the bricks-and-mortar trade with the e-commerce business, just as we are adapting the content of the mobile communication channels with offline advertising.